May 01, 2009

D-A-CH Content for ACD-A 2010 (English versions)

As reported by Bill Glennie of Autodesk in this thread of the Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture Discussion Group, a download for AutoCAD® Architecture "D-A-CH" (Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetica)) content for those working in an English-language version of the program is now available from the Autodesk website. In previous releases, this localized content was available as an option on the intstallation disc, but this does not appear to be the case with the 2010 release.


Unknown said...

Oops, CH stays for Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetica), not Czech Republic. In Switzerland they use some very specific building plan representations, like metric dimensions with superscripted millimeters etc.

David Koch said...

Thanks for catching that. I have made the correction.