My reply today explained the reason why the total was not the same as the sum of the displayed numbers, and I indicated that in order for the total to be correct, the rounding should be done within the formula property, rather than by the Property Data Format. [For other options, see this blog article, which includes several means of achieving real number rounding and getting correct column totals.]
By placing the results of each branch of the second If statement in a variable [occs] instead of making it the RETURN value, I was able to then process the value in variable occs. If occs is not a whole number (that is, if subtracting the integer portion of occs from itself does not result in a value of zero), the value of occs is reset to the integer portion of occs plus one. Otherwise, occs is a whole number, and rounding up is not necessary. The revised formula is shown below; a sample file was included in my reply in the Discussion Group.
occLoad = [SpaceStylesCalcs:Occupant_Load]
If occLoad = 0 Then
doCalc = 0
occLoad = 1
doCalc = 1
End If
If doCalc = 1 Then
occs = [SpaceStyles:BaseArea] / occLoad
occs = 0
End If
If occs - Int (occs) <> 0 Then
occs = Int (occs) + 1
End If
RESULT = occs