The course is free, but does require membership in AUGI, which is also free. If you are not already a member, you can join AUGI at this site.
To sign up for the class, log in to the AUGI Website then choose the Education link under the main AUGI logo. In the left sash, choose the AUGI Training Program link and then choose the Current ATP Coruses link. Scroll down to the June 2006 courses, if necessary, and find the ATP121 course.

Click on the "ATP121 Formula Properties in Architectural Desktop" link, read the course description and then click on the Register button at the bottom of the window to register for the class.

On Monday, June 12, 2006, the course forum will open and the first segment of the course will be available for downloading, from your "My ATP" page. [Login to the AUGI Website, select the Education, AUGI Training Program and My ATP links in sequence.] I look forward to interacting with you in the class forum.
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