October 21, 2017

ACA: Using AutoLISP to Change the Heights of All Doors of a Given Style

There was a request in the AutoCAD® Architecture Forum for a script or customization that could change the heights of all Doors of a specific style to 5'-2". I decided that would be an interesting challenge, and decided to see if I could come up with an AutoLISP® function that would to just that. The exact style name was not given, and I may not have had a style of that name, anyway, so I decided to set up my test file with several instances of the out-of-the-box Bifold - Single Door Style, along with some other Doors.

The routine first gets all of the Doors in the drawing file. If none are found, an alert message is displayed, and the function terminates. If Doors are found, the function iterates over that selection set of all Doors, one Door at a time, looking for Doors of the Bifold - Single Door Style. When one is found, its Height property is changed to 62.0. When all of the Doors have been examined, the program reports that it is complete and lets the user know how many Doors had their height set to 62.0, of the total number of Doors. The routine does not check to see if the height is already 62.0, so it will report the total number of Bifold - Single Doors as being processed. If it were important to report on the number of Doors that actually were changed, the current height could be obtained and compared against the desired height, and any Doors that were already set to the desired height could be skipped.
(defun C:DRHT (                         ; No arguments.
                iCount                  ; Loop counter [integer].
                iMax                    ; Total number of Doors in file [integer].
                iProc                   ; Number of Doors processed [integer].
                objDoor                 ; Door object being processed.
                ss1                     ; All Doors in the file [selection set].
                sStyleName              ; Style name of Door being processed [string].
              ) ;_ End arguments and local variables.
  (setq        ss1 (ssget "_X" '((0 . "AEC_DOOR"))))
    ((not ss1)                          ; No Doors in drawing.
     (alert "Drawing file has no Door objects.\nNothing to do!")
    ) ;_ End condition A1.
    (T                                  ; Else, continue.
     (setq iMax          (sslength ss1)
           iCount 0
           iProc  0
     ) ;_ End setq.
     (while (< iCount iMax)
       (setq objDoor    (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss1 iCount))
             sStyleName (vlax-get-property objDoor 'StyleName)
       ) ;_ End setq.
       (if (= sStyleName "Bifold - Single")
           (vlax-put-property objDoor 'Height 62.0)
           (setq iProc (1+ iProc))
         ) ;_ End progn.
       ) ;_ End if.
       (setq icount (1+ icount))
     ) ;_ End while.
    ) ;_ End condition A2.
  ) ;_ End cond A.
      "\nDRHT function completed:  "
      (itoa iProc)
      " Door(s) of "
      (itoa iCount)
      " total Door(s) processed. "
    ) ;_ End strcat.
  ) ;_ End prompt.
) ;_ End C:DRHT.

Change the (if (= sStyleName "Bifold - Single") line, replacing "Bifold - Single" with the name of the Door Style you want to operate on (enclosed in double quotes). Change the (vlax-put-property objDoor 'Height 62.0) line, replacing 62.0 with a real number representing the desired Door Height in whatever your current linear drawing unit is (inches, millimeters, etc.). The code could also be modified to remove the Style Name test, if you wanted to reset the heights of all Doors in a project to a specific height.

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