April 08, 2016

ACA 2017: CReate type Command Option

Another new feature that some may find of use is the addition of a new command line option, CReate type when adding Walls, Curtain Walls, Railings, Slabs, Roof Slabs and Roofs.

Selecting the CReate type option results in a new command line prompt. The default action is to create a Rectangle shape (by picking the opposite corners of the rectangle). Other shape options are Circle, POlygon and PLine.
Command prompts for those options follow those of the AutoCAD object commands of the same name. While you may not have many occasions for wanting to draw Walls along the lines of a regular polygon, do check out the PLine option, particularly for the object types that do not offer Arc as a command line option (Railings, Slabs, Roof Slabs and Roofs) in the "regular" Add command. For Walls and Curtain Walls, the PLine option makes it much easier to create arc segments that are tangent to the previous segment. And an added bonus when creating Slabs and Roof Slabs, you do not have to explicitly close your shape, as you do when drawing segments under the "regular" Add command. Finally, when using the PLine option when creating a Roof object, you can use object snap tracking to align the next vertex with previous vertices, which you cannot do in the "regular" Add command. This makes it easier (possible) to align your last vertex with the starting vertex on initial placement, rather than having to edit it afterwards.

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