April 09, 2005

April 2005 AUGI Training Program: ADT Scheduling Basics Class Offered

I am teaching a class, ATP071 Architectural Desktop's Scheduling Features, as part of the April 2005 offerings of the AUGI Training Program. There is no cost to participate in this class, other than having an Internet connection so that you can access the class materials and the dedicated forum for the class. You do need to become a member of AUGI to have access to the class, but that too is free. Check it all out at the AUGI website. Once you have joined [or, for current members, signed in] - click on the Education link in the menu bar below the logo graphics, then select AUGI Training Program > Current ATP Courses to find the current class offerings.

The class starts Monday, April 11, 2005, with Segment 1. Segments 2 and 3 will be made available on subsequent Mondays [April 18 and April 25, respectively]. There will be a dedicated Forum [discussion group] for the class, where you can post any questions that you have. I or other classmates will do our best to answer your questions in a timely fashion.

Here is a synopsis of the class content:

This course covers the components involved in scheduling in Autodesk® Architectural Desktop and the relationships between them:
  • Property Data Formats
  • Property Sets
  • Schedule Tables
  • Schedule Tags
The course materials provide background material describing the components, and three tutorials, one for each segment of the course, will guide you through the creation and use of these components. Drawing files will also be provided so that everyone has a common starting point. This course is primarily based on the features found in the 2004 and 2005 releases of Autodesk® Architectural Desktop, but will include directions for users of the 3.3 release and alternatives where 3.3 lacks features present in 2004/2005.

No previous experience with Autodesk® Architectural Desktop’s scheduling feature is required, but general familiarity with the version of Autodesk® Architectural Desktop you are using will be helpful. At the end of the course, each student should know the scheduling components, how they relate to one another and should be able to create all of the components needed for a scheduling task.

The sample files and tutorials are based on Imperial units [feet and inches], with which I am most familiar, but the concepts should be able to be easily transferred to Metric files.

I hope to see you in the class forum! Should you be reading this post after the class has concluded, the class materials will still be available for downloading for several months after the conclusion of the course.

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